Selasa, 22 November 2011

Love = Waiting for A Bus.... Ada Benernya Sih...

Love = Waiting 4 A Bus.... Ada Benernya Sih...

Cinta itu sama seperti orang yg sedang menunggu bis
Sebuah bis datang, dan kamu bilang,
"Wah..terlalu penuh, sumpek, bakalan nggak bisa duduk nyaman neh! Aku tunggu bis berikutnya aja deh."

Kemudian, bis berikutnya datang.
Kamu melihatnya dan berkata,
"Aduh bisnya kurang asik nih, nggak bagus lagi.. nggak mau ah.."
Bis selanjutnya datang, cool dan kamu berminat,
tapi seakan-akan dia tidak melihatmu dan lewat begitu saja.

Bis keempat berhenti di depan kamu.
Bis itu kosong, cukup bagus, tapi kamu bilang,
"Nggak ada AC nih, bisa kepanasan aku".
Maka kamu membiarkan bis keempat itu pergi.

Waktu terus berlalu,
kamu mulai sadar bahwa kamu bisa terlambat pergi ke kantor.

Ketika bis kelima datang,
kamu sudah tak sabar,
kamu langsung melompat masuk ke dalamnya.
Setelah beberapa lama, kamu akhirnya sadar kalau kamu salah menaiki bis.
Bis tersebut jurusannya bukan yang kamu tuju!
Dan kau baru sadar telah menyiakan waktumu sekian lama.

Moral dari cerita ini :
sering kali seseorang menunggu orang yang benar-benar 'ideal'
untuk menjadi pasangan hidupnya.
Padahal tidak ada orang yang 100% memenuhi keidealan kita.
Dan kamu pun sekali-kali tidak akan pernah bisa menjadi 100% sesuai
keinginan dia. Tidak ada salahnya memiliki 'persyaratan' untuk 'calon',
tapi tidak ada salahnya juga memberi kesempatan kepada yang berhenti di
depan kita.
Tentunya dengan jurusan yang sama seperti yang kita tuju.

Apabila ternyata memang tidak cocok, apa boleh buat.
tapi kamu masih bisa berteriak 'Kiri' ! dan keluar dengan sopan.
Maka memberi kesempatan pada yang berhenti di depanmu,
semuanya bergantung pada keputusanmu.
Daripada kita harus jalan kaki sendiri menuju kantormu,
dalam arti menjalani hidup ini tanpa kehadiran orang yang dikasihi.

Cerita ini juga berarti,
kalau kebetulan kamu menemukan bis yang kosong,
kamu sukai dan bisa kamu percayai,
dan tentunya sejurusan dengan tujuanmu,
kamu dapat berusaha sebisamu untuk menghentikan bis tersebut di
depanmu, agar dia dapat memberi kesempatan kepadamu untuk masuk ke dalamnya.
Karena menemukan yang seperti itu
adalah suatu berkah yang sangat berharga dan sangat berarti.
Bagimu sendiri, dan bagi dia.

Lalu bis seperti apa yang kamu tunggu? :-)

Senin, 21 November 2011

Explanation text


Earthquake is one of the most destroying natural disasters. Unluckily it often happens in several regions. Recently a horrible earthquake has shaken West Sumatra. It has brought great damages. Why did it occur? Do you know how an earthquake happens?

Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves. It make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don't just slide smoothly. The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure that's built up. When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.

During the earthquake and afterward, the plates or blocks of rock start moving, and they continue to move until they get stuck again. The spot underground where the rock breaks is called the focus of the earthquake. The place right above the focus is called the epicenter of the earthquake.

discussion text

Candies and chocolate

Do you think that chocolate lovers need any reason to feast on chocolates? But isn’t great to know the advantages of candy and chocolate along with its wonderful taste which is irresistible. In fact after knowing the advantages of chocolates and candies you will once again fall in love with this brown wonder.
Chocolate candies contain vitamins like A, B1, C, D and E, as well as potassium, sodium, iron and fluorine which is very helpful for the growth of your body. On a survey made by Haward researchers where they traced 8000 males with an average age of 65 proved that men who enjoyed chocolates and candy lived almost a year longer than people who don’t. This is because of the antioxidants present in chocolate which helps to prolong your life span. 
While chocolates and candies are usually eaten for pleasure but it also has some potential health advantages as it affects the circulatory system. Other possible effects under basic research comprises of anti cancer, brain stimulator, cough preventer and antidiarrhoeal activities too.
Another interesting advantage of candy and chocolates are that by eating them you can increase your blood supply to your brain which will bring more nutrients and oxygen which will be utilized in maximizing your memory. Studies have discovered that chocolate candies can cut stress hormone levels into half; even the aroma of chocolates can instantly put you at ease. The different chemical in chocolate candy helps to stimulate proper blood flow which lowers your blood pressure and reduces risk of heart disease.
However, there are many disadvantages from chocolate candy. Weight gain, a disadvantage of eating more sweets and candy is that you can gain weight from the extra calories . Sweets and candy are high-glycemic foods, which means they can quickly increase your blood-sugar levels. It also can make your teeth cavities, if you do not brush your teeth regularly. Often chew gum for adolescents can be risky to have a rectangular face shape.
There are many advantages and disadvantages of candy. Therefore, you as parents, do not rush to prohibit your child eat candy if the reason you're afraid of damaging their teeth. However, you still need to pay attention to your child not to eat too much candy and chocolate.

(source: English presentation XII IPA 3)